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Welcome to 5. Biochemistry Lab

Using chemical compounds to alter gene expression and levels of fluorescent proteins.

Using chemical compounds to alter gene expression and levels of fluorescent proteins.

Aim: In our lab meeting we discussed using chemical drugs to alter the epigenetic marks in my cells. This might result in increased expression of our collagen gene.

Drug to test: 5-Azacytidine
This drug inhibits DNA methylation, an epigenetic modification that can stop genes being expressed. It is also used as a treatment in the clinic for various cancers.

This is a diagram of a cell showing how the DNA in the nucleus looks before and after the drug

Method: I will treat my cells with different doses of 5-Azacytidine and pick the dose that causes the cells to produce the greatest level of fluorescent protein. It should only take a small amount of the drug so I will use micromolar amounts.

Molar = the concentration of the drug

A micromolar is 1 millionth of a molar!

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